Turib Registration Procedures

  • 2678

Pursuant to the decision of the Council of Ministers dated 27.02.2017 and numbered 2017/9986, which was issued within the framework of article 53 of the "The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey and the Law on Chambers and Commodity Exchanges" numbered 5174, Electronic Product Bills (ELUS) can be traded under a single stock market. It has been reported that the studies regarding the establishment of Turkish Product Specialization Exchange Inc. (TÜRİB) in June 2019, which was established in 2018, are in the final stage.

Following the activation of TÜRİB, all ELUS trading transactions will be carried out only within TÜRİB, and the trading transactions of ELUS will be carried out by direct order entry via the "TÜRİB Trading Platform", which can be accessed by the investors at http://www.turib.com.tr without an intermediary. .

Once TÜRİB is operational, investors must register with TÜRİB in order to continue their ELUS transactions without any interruption. Investors who want to perform ELUS transaction will be registered with TÜRİB by applying to Malatya Commodity Exchange, which has signed an agency agreement with TÜRİB, along with all the information and documents below. The registration of the investor will be carried out by our Exchange by entering the following documents into the TÜRİB system.

For this reason, it is important for investors who want to trade ELUS to apply to Malatya Commodity Exchange with all the information and documents below for registration with TÜRİB. When investors want to update their information in the TÜRİB system, they will be able to make such changes through our Exchange.

Documents Required for Registration of Real Persons:
- Copy of Identity Card
- Any of the documents considered valid for address confirmation (residence certificate, invoice, etc.)
- Real Person Customer Identification Form (Annex/2 or Annex/3-b if a proxy is appointed)
- Document showing the investment account to be taken from the Intermediary Institution or the Bank
- Investor Disclosure, Approval and Commitment Text (Investor Undertaking) (Annex/4)

Documents Required for Legal Entity Registration:
- Example of the Trade Registry Gazette with the establishment announcement
- Sample of Certificate of Activity from the Trade Registry
- Example of Tax Certificate
- Signature Circulars
- Legal Entity Customer Identification and Representative Appointment Form (Annex/3-a)
- Document showing the investment account to be taken from the Intermediary Institution or the Bank
- Investor Disclosure, Approval and Commitment Text (Investor Undertaking) (Annex/4)

İsmetiye mah. Bukhara cad. New School St. no.181/A Battalgazi / MALATYA
Tel: 0422 325 57 57
Fax: 0422 322 50 39

TÜRİB REGISTRATION For detailed information:
Ravza ÖZCAN Tel: 0422 325 57 57 -407 (internal) mail: [email protected]
Kübra AYAZ Tel: 0422 325 57 57 - 406 (internal) mail: [email protected]