• 2485

Employment Mobilization 2019 was introduced in Malatya

Event Date

03-15-2019 - 03-15-2019
  • Hour 08:00 - 08:00
  • Last Date of Registration 03-15-2019
  • Remaining Quota: 0
  • Completed

Launched under the auspices of the Presidency, the introductory meeting of the "This is Turkey, There is a Job Here" Employment Mobilization 2019 was held in Malatya.
An information meeting on the promotion of Employment Mobilization 2019 and employment incentives was held at the Malatya Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 15 July Martyrs' Assembly Hall.
Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey, Ministry of Treasury and Finance, Family, Labor and Social
Speaking at the opening of the information meeting on the promotion of Employment Mobilization 2019 and employment incentives initiated in cooperation with the Ministry of Services, İş-Kur Provincial Director Vahap Toman gave information about the campaign launched under the auspices of the Presidency. Oğuzhan Ata Sadıkoğlu, a member of the TOBB Board of Directors and Chairman of MTSO, who took the floor later, stated that the mobilization initiated was aimed at reducing the number of unemployed people and contributing to the country's economy by businessmen. Sadıkoğlu said, "We, as Malatya, support the campaign, which was started with the slogan 'This is Turkey, there is business here', by saying 'This is Malatya, There is a job here'. With this mobilization campaign, 8 different incentives are offered to our business world. Here we call on the entire business world. Come take advantage of the incentives and support the country's economy. We will support employers in this regard with the mobilization desk we will open in Malatya Chamber of Commerce and Industry."
In his speech, Governor Aydın Baruş stated that while Turkey is fighting against terrorism, it is also fighting against economic attacks and said, "Our country is under economic attack. The forces that want to bring our country to its knees want to bring our country to its knees in economic terms. The way to overcome this is on our hands. "As the private sector, we must attach importance to employment in order to eliminate these attacks on us. The business world has really taken the responsibility."
Governor Baruş stated that they came together to explain the incentives to be offered to the business world and thanked the employers for their support.
After the opening speeches, SGK and İş-Kur officials gave comprehensive information about the Employment Mobilization 2019 campaign.
Malatya Governor Aydın Baruş, MTSO President Oğuzhan Ata Sadıkoğlu, Malatya Commodity Exchange President Ramazan Özcan, İş-Kur Provincial Manager Vahap Toman, SGK Provincial Manager Ayten Kara and employers attended the meeting.

What does the Employment Mobilization cover?

The state covers the wages, insurance premiums and taxes of each additional employment to be provided until the end of April for 3 months. During these 3 months, the employer's cost will be zero. The state will cover 3 thousand 134 TL, including 2 thousand 21 TL wages and 1 thousand 113 TL insurance and taxes. The employer will have hired an unemployed person at zero cost out of pocket. For the next 9 months, the state will continue to pay insurance premiums and taxes. Employers will only pay the wages of the person they employ. If the person to be recruited is female, young and disabled, the 9-month period will be extended to 15 months. Again, in the manufacturing industry and informatics sector, the monthly premium and tax incentive of 1,113 TL will be given as 2,712 TL. On the other hand, if an employer has experienced difficulties in their work, their activities have stopped or decreased; Salary of its employees will be covered from the Unemployment Insurance Fund within the scope of Short Working Allowance for 3 months.