• 2374

Apricot harvest has begun

Event Date

07-03-2019 - 07-03-2019
  • Hour 08:00 - 08:00
  • Last Date of Registration 07-03-2019
  • Remaining Quota: 0
  • Completed

Apricot harvest has started in Malatya, the world apricot capital. Malatya Governor Aydın Baruş visited a harvested garden and examined the works.
In Malatya, which meets 85% of the world's apricot needs, the harvest has started in high areas, which is the livelihood of thousands of people. With the beginning of the harvest, Governor Aydın Baruş visited an apricot orchard in Karakaş District of Battalgazi district with the Provincial Director of Agriculture Tahir Macit and Malatya Commodity Exchange President Ramazan Özcan and examined the harvesting activities on site.
Speaking here, Governor Baruş said, “Our apricots yield is very good this year, our apricots are of very high quality. This year, we think the apricot will find more than it deserves. The issue that we should prioritize here is that our farmers and producers find the fruits of their labor. We want our producers to act together in both the fresh and dried apricot trade, and we want the companies that trade in apricots to do their best so that the apricot gets the value it deserves." Stating that they expect a fresh apricot harvest of approximately 390 thousand tons this year, Baruş wished the harvest period to be beneficial.
Chairman of the Commodity Exchange Ramazan Özcan said, “First of all, I hope this year's harvest will bring good and abundant profits to our country and our country. Indeed, our producers are going through a difficult process where costs increase by 40 percent. We get 21-22 million dollars income from apricots every month. We earn an average of 260 million dollars only from dried apricots. This is a very important thing for our city. We will do our best to raise these prices to the level that the producers are happy with," he said.